Tuesday, August 31, 2010

You Lose it when You Glue it!

Many women don't realize that hair glue is also another reason why they maybe experiencing thinning of hair or permanent hair loss. Some hairstylists use bonding glue on the hair, others use it on the scalp. One way is no better than the other.

I have a client who had tracks/bonded extensions in her hair (done by someone else) and when it was time for her to take them out, she had the hardest time. She used sheen spray, hair glue remover and conditioner, and still had a struggle. As she removed the tracks so did she remove tiny strands of her hair.

I also have a client who had the bonding directly on her scalp and even so, it overlaps onto the hair. Also, with this method if it's not done carefully or removed carefully, the hair can be pulled directly from the root .

I do know that if you are going to have tracks/bonded extensions, have a professional with a history of hair care do it for you. Why? They are not just giving you a Fabulous look without concern for healthy hair. Always look for quality hair care service, especially if you are into getting weaves, extensions or braids done on a regular basis.
Just what the Hair Dr. Ordered!
Info. on the "2011" Hair Calendar, call Darlene 973-572-2819

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Who would think that hair pins can be used as a weapon? Well, it's true.
About two weeks ago one of my client's needed a hair design for a wedding and I wasn't available. So of course she had to find someone else to give her a designer pinup. A few days after the wedding, I saw her in passing on the street at a small community shopping center and the first thing she said was, "I have to get my hair done over, these pins are killing my head."
My question was, "Why didn't you just relieve yourself of the pain by taking the pins out?" This I said to myself because I know the answer. Most women will endure the "BATTLE SCARS FROM HAIR PINS", just to look good. How crazy does that sound. So, she scheduled an appointment, but kept the style until she was able to get a fresh hairstyle.

Do you know someone like this? A question from the Hair Dr.
Have Questions, I have Answers! Call Darlene 973-572-2819

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Poofy dooby! OH NO!

I have a new hair client. Great News! One who has been reading my blogs and decide to call me. When I spoke to her she mentioned, her dooby's are puffy. She needs the Hair Dr.'s help!

First of all, no beautician/hairstylist should give their client a dooby if the hair is not freshly relaxed up til about 3 weeks. After that a different method should be used to keep the roots/new growth as straight as the ends.
I can accomplish this dooby style with or without rollers; with relaxed or natural hair. The magic is in the method.
Ask the Hair Dr. It costs for me to be the boss. I do it best, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!
Darlene 973-572-2819 email: www.darleneisradiant@gmail.com

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I just left a former client's home-get it-"FORMER CLIENT"-who had beautiful hair at one time. It was probably around the time I was her ONE AND ONLY Hair Dr.

You know sometimes people go the cheaper route to obtain the quality maintenance they are receiving, and in the beginning it SEAMS as if they're getting just that-QUALITY. This is what she did. Then, something happened or moreso is noticed that wasn't noticed before after a while. Her hair is thinner now than it was before and maybe before "she" didn't pay attention because the styles were great.
There is more to just a FABULOUS hairstyle. The more is this: How is the person you entrusted to do your hair caring for it? Do you know? Does it matter? Do you even ask what products are being used in your hair? or Do you say, "This is what I want, just do it!" without even asking if the styles, weaves, etc. you desire is best for your hair at the time?
My now, client again, and that's why I'm the Hair Dr., needed help for her sick hair and of course, I delivered. The entire time she complained how "THEY MESSED UP MY HAIR"! The correction took a little longer than she expected, so she asked, "My hair was really jacked huh?" and I was honest by saying, "Yes!"

What really gave me joy in the end was the big SMILE on her face when I was completed. Be more conscious of who you allow to PUT THEIR HANDS IN YOUR HEAD because you just might LOSE IT-YOUR HAIR!

Just what the Hair Dr. Ordered!
Darlene 973-572-2819

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This is the time to TREAT YOUR HAIR SPECIAL!

What I mean is, when you go to the salon, make sure you take your time and not rush your beautician/hairstylist. Give them the opportunity to really give you that deep conditioning treatment he/she's been telling you that you REALLY NEED!

DON'T RUSH THE DRYER! If you are told you should stay under the dryer for 25 minutes to allow the conditioner to properly penetrate to the core of your hair follicle, then do so.

If you trust someone to work over your head, then take their advice, get what your hair needs-TREAT YOUR HAIR SPECIAL- and I'll guarantee you'll love the results!

Just a little tip from the Hair Dr. On-Call.
Call Darlene 973-572-2819
email: www.darleneisradiant@gmail.com

Friday, August 13, 2010

OMG Good Luck Friday Hair!

Friday the 13th is OMG Good Luck Friday Hair!

Go get something special done to your hair to complement your lifestyle. OR Maybe you need a change. Tired of the same old hairstyle? Do something different, adventurous....this is the perfect day.

Don't believe the myth about Friday the 13th. It is a day of order, structure, systematic. Began to get your life in order by getting your hair in order. And make sure you receive a relaxing scalp massage along with a deep conditioning treatment to start your NEW YOU, NEW LOOK off perfectly.

When your hair looks good, you feel good and your wardrobe just flows!

Just What the Hair Dr. Ordered!
Darlene 973-572-2819

Monday, August 9, 2010


The next few days are the perfect time to get your hair cut or trimmed. It's a time of new beginnings, to even embark upon new ideas. So, if you have an idea that you desire a new look-THIS IS THE TIME-GO FOR IT!

This is especially for those who have hair breakage and are in fear of getting your hair cut because "it may not grow back" the way you desire. At this time if you do so, you will not have to worry about that. This is a special time of the month that even if you cut your hair, it will flourish.

So Go For It- Do a NEW YOU- just because or because you have to and I guarantee your hair will love you.

Just What The Hair Dr. Ordered!
Call Darlene 973-572-2819
email: www.darleneisradiant@gmail.com


The next few days are the perfect time to get your hair cut or trimmed. It's a time of new beginnings, to even embark upon new ideas. So, if you have an idea that you desire a new look-THIS IS THE TIME-GO FOR IT!
This is especially for those who have hair breakage and are in fear of getting your hair cut because "it may not grow back" the way you desire. At this time if you do so, you will not have to worry about that. This is a special time of the month that even if you cut your hair, it will flourish.
So Go For It- Do a NEW YOU- just because or because you have to and I guarantee your hair will love you.
Just What The Hair Dr. Ordered!
Call Darlene 973-572-2819

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


There are many people who question why they have a hard time growing their hair and getting it to a desired length.

This is because many are not aware that there are special times each month that is perfect to cut your hair because is stimulates hair growth. However, there are other times in the month, if you cut your hair it stunts the growth.
It is not that hair doesn't grow. It does. Hair has life, and anything that has life grows. It is how you take care of it that will determine if you will experience hair loss and breakage or flourishing growth.


For more information call Darlene 973-572-2819
email me: darleneisradiant@gmail.com