Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mess to Marvelous Hair

It feels real good to see the end result of my "HAIR MAGIC", especially when someone feels their is no hope for their Mess-hair.
This is why I'm called the Hair Dr. I can fix whatever problem you may be experiencing with your hair.
One thing I do that many "Hairstylists" don't is.......I GIVE YOU WHAT YOU NEED, NOT WHAT YOU WANT! I'm motivated by healthy results and not just money. I'm always honest with my clients, and even give advice to people who's never sat in my chair.
So, tell me your Hair disaster story and I'll give you the answer.
Call Darlene at 973-572-2819

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


ENOUGH IS ENOUGH with women/young ladies walking around with breakage/thinning ends that are hanging on by the strands. I know you think you are attempting to save your hair, but you are doing more damage than you realize. Once the ends began to split, it will continue to split until you cut off those "dead" ends...and that's exactly what they are, DEAD!

Would you have a relationship with a "dead" man? NO! Anything dead should be buried and separated from that which has life? Even a relationship where there the intimacy, communication and support is not active/dead, robs the creative and excited energy from the one who is doing all the giving. Just the same with the hair. Split ends can eventually result in major hair breakage if it's not "SNIPPED IN THE BUD"-taken care of immediately.

To keep your hair at its optimum healthy state, it should be trimmed every 4 to 6 weeks....and besides, it just LOOKS GOOD. Ladies, you know when your hair looks good, you feel good. That's what it's all about. I mean, come on, your hair is your "GLORY" located at the crown of your head. So it just realizing this, it should be adorned.

Just what the Hair Dr. Ordered! Call Darlene 973-572-2819

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hair Violation! You're Under Arrest!

In my travels, I saw a young girl, maybe a high school student who decided for today to wear her hair in a straight style. No curls, no bump, just straight with a side part in the front. That would have been fine, but their were a few HAIR VIOLATIONS, and if it was legal to arrest people for this purpose, I would have taken her to jail-Dr. Hair Care jail-just to fix it, charge her for her violation and send her on her way, now looking good and in right standing with the Hair Law.

1o1. Her ends were split. It looked like a roller coaster ride of unevenness.
102. Her hair wasn't bone straight, not even yaky straight, but NAPPY STRAIGHT.
103. Her new growth seems as if it had been growing in for a few months.
I have no more room on my violation ticket to add.
101. Trim all split ends. It will only get worse if you attempt to hold on to those little straggly ends.
102. Either get a relaxer to get the effect of a straight look or go with a natural nappy style. Nappy is fine, but let the style have eye appeal.
103. You can blow dry your new growth and pull it out with a flat iron all the way through to the ends to achieve the straight look if you are due for a relaxer and for some reason aren't able to get it at the time.

Just a get our of Hair Jail free card with information to Cure Sick Hair!
The Hair Dr. aka Hair Police knows best! Call Darlene 973-572-2819

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hair Violation!

In my travels, I saw a young girl, maybe a high school student who decided for today to wear her hair in a straight style. No curls, no bump, just straight with a side part in the front. That would have been fine, but their were a few HAIR VIOLATIONS, and if it was legal to arrest people for this purpose, I would have taken her to jail-Dr. Hair Care jail-just to fix it, charge her for her violation and send her on her way, now looking good and in right standing with the Hair Law.
1o1. Her ends were split. It looked like a roller coaster ride of unevenness.
102. Her hair wasn't bone straight, not even yaky straight, but NAPPY STRAIGHT.
103. Her new growth seems as if it had been growing in for a few months.

I have no more room on my violation ticket to add.

101. Trim all split ends. It will only get worse if you attempt to hold on to those little straggly ends.
102. Either get a relaxer to get the effect of a straight look or go with a natural nappy style. Nappy is fine, but let the style have eye appeal.
103. You can blow dry your new growth and pull it out with a flat iron all the way through to the ends to achieve the straight look if you are due for a relaxer and for some reason aren't able to get it at the time.

Just a get our of Hair Jail free card with information to Cure Sick Hair!
The Hair Dr. aka Hair Police knows best! Call Darlene 973-572-2819

Monday, September 13, 2010


Many women think they have to cut all their relaxed hair if they decide to go back natural. I say NO! Not just to say no, but I have done it and worked with many clients, even family members who have done the same......and NO BREAKAGE! HOW WONDERFUL!

The majority of the women I speak to that have long hair would like to keep the length as their new growth grows in. But how do you manage two totally different textures without damaging your hair? What product is best to use to hold your natural hair in place if you would like to slick it into a simple ponytail style. I have the answer!
So call the Hair Dr. On-Call 973-572-2819
or email:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My newest and youngest hair client had a bit of a challenge, or shall I say, his parents had a bit of a challenge with his hair. I received and emergency call and of course the Hair Dr. responded. With a little patience and love I did my magic as I always do and his parents were well pleased.

Below are photos of my finished work. He did put up a little fight, but I won in the end--In a Good Way. The Hair Dr. knows best!

Having a challenge with your child's hair?
Call me NOW! Darlene 973-572-2819 or email:

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hair Violation!-You're Under Arrest!

Why do "we", as women, who have thinning or bald edges, wear ponytails pulled to the back, slicks with the little bit of hair to cover the thin/balding areas or continue to get braids? This is a HAIR VIOLATION!-YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!

What happens when you're under arrest? You have to "STOP IT!" IT is whatever you were doing. In this case, "TAKE YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM THE HAIR AND PUT THEM UP!" Putting your hands up is a sign of "I SURRENDER" so that the Police (Hair Police)-Me-can take over.
The reason why I said ME is because there are some Hairstylist that will continue to braid their clients' hair knowing that they have a thinning issue. HOW SAD! Some of them will even style their clients' hair without any consideration of the thinning area. What I mean is, create a hairstyle that will cover those edges until you finish the proper treatment if it isn't too late.
Just What The Hair Dr. Ordered!
Darlene 973-572-2819
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