Thursday, October 7, 2010



Hair from a human whether donated for your cause from a living or deceased human carries the personality and attitude of the person it belongs to. If the person is a "sweet" person, a "mean" person "bipolar", nervous, worrier, etc., those vibrations are transferred into each hair strand. In other words, hair carries the spirit of the person.
Your mind being such a powerful force of creation is always receiving (sensitive) sound and vibrations which goes into the inner being of you. What goes in always come out. So if you ever wondered why you, a friend, loved one, child is acting crazy, lazy, anxious or any behavior that maybe out of the norm for them, just check to see if they've ever had braids.

How about monitor their behavior when they "GET THEIR HAIR DID" verses when they their hair in it's natural state. It would be great to hear your findings.
Keep your sanity at all cost. Just what the Hair Dr. ordered!

Have questions or comments, follow my blog, your opinion means a lot.
Call me, Darlene 973-572-2819

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