Monday, November 22, 2010

Natural Hair Wild-Out!

I saw a lady today wearing her natural hair, but it was a mess! She had it pulled in a ponytail with a head band around the front. I guess all of her hair wasn't long enough to fit in the ponytail holder in the back of her head. So she must have said, "the Hell with it!" and kept it moving..
I was going to give her the benefit of the doubt and blame it on a strong windy day, but I would be lying. Today was a beautiful day. She had no excuse. And even so, keep a comb or brush in your pocketbook. The easiest hairstyle to have and make it look Fabulous is a ponytail. How can you kill that style.....well, she did. She had a "NATURAL HAIR WILD-OUT!

The Hair Dr. can help with any hair Mess-UP! Call me at 973-572-2819.

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